Has a book every changed how you think about your business?

Has a book ever changed how you think about your business?

I read a lot of business books. I’ve usually got a couple on the go. For me, this is a handy way of learning new things, thinking differently about business, and generally being nosey about how the world works. But I know that this isn’t the same for everyone.

Some people would much rather go to a talk, watch a YouTube video, or talk to another business person. Or pay for coaching or my Remarkable Business programme and know that I’ve done all the hard work of reading and distilling the information for them.

I have to admit as well, that my reading is somewhat random. I’m probably missing out on the best books and resources out there, just because no one has put those in front of me.

So I wanted to check in with you and see what you think – here’s a quick survey (takes at least 30 seconds, but no more than 4 minutes) of your learning habits.

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I’ll write this up the results when they come through and see what you all come up with. In the meantime, here’s a list of my recommendations for some advanced marketing books which are useful for small businesses. Let me know what you think of them as well.